XAG Labs: The wallet will support the storage of USDT

XAG Labs has received a lot of positive feedback after releasing the 1.0 version of the smart client. On this basis, the smart client has accumulated many new features and will be released in the next version. According to the call from the community, the storage function of USDT will be highlighted. USDT will be added to the wallet as the first currency to open the storage feature. Later, the cross-chain feature will be opened in the short term. In the future, it will also support the functions of receiving, storing, sending, and exchanging various assets such as XRP, ETH, and BTC.

XAG Labs will also cooperate with various business nodes to carry out airdrops to users participating in storage activities. The new version of the wallet and airdrop details will be announced within a week (before February 25, 2022).

Kawada Hidetoshi, CEO of XAG Labs said:

In the next few months, the first version of the WTAA protocol, a new generation of liquidity smart contract engine, and a mysterious project with new explosive features will also be launched. It can be said that the times have given the XAG public chain a historical mission, and XAG is developing at an unprecedented speed, which is very exciting.

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